Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Come to an event with your item that needs repair. Check in at the front desk to receive a ticket, which you'll then bring to the appropriate repair desk (the check-in folks will help you). Describe your issue to your repairperson, and they will do their best to help you!

Note: We pride ourselves in fixing items and saving the environment by reducing the number of items that enter our landfills. Our services are provided free of charge to members in our community. However, please be aware that although we make every effort to attempt a repair, there are some items that we may not be able to repair.

Because we are a free event, we are unable to provide any replacement parts. Thus, all repairs brought into our event must be accompanied by replacement parts already purchased and have items that would allow testing of the repair. In addition, items must be in clean condition in order to receive a repair. We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to seeing you at one of our events!

What items do you repair?

We accept a wide range of items. Our repair desks from event to event are completely dependent on the volunteers that we can get at each event and their unique skillsets, however, we are almost guaranteed to have stitchers and electronic repair. The following is a list of repair categories you are likely to find at an event.

  • Stitching - hand-sewing and machine sewing

  • Electronic repair (eg. computers, fans, toasters, etc) - if it's electric and it's broken, bring it in. There's no guarantee of a fix but our tinkerers will tinker!

  • Computer help - see one of our geeks who will try to help you with your device's software issues

  • Plant and garden help - bring your plants in for troubleshooting, or bring in. a sample of your compost to get an analysis of the health of your compost pile. The garden table usually has free plants and seeds to give away as well!

  • Knife sharpening
  • Jewelry repair
  • Gluing
  • Bike repair
  • Woodworking

We do NOT repair the following items:

  • Sewing machines
  • Cathode ray tube televisions
  • Cell phone screens

What will it cost?

Nothing. This is a FREE community event. We want to enable our neighbors to adopt a mindset of repair and reuse rather than throwing things away and buying the next new thing. We are promoting a more sustainable lifestyle, and fostering community while we're at it!

When are the events?

We host a Repair Cafe around every couple of months. Our events are always on Saturdays, from 10am-1pm.

The best way to hear about events is to sign up for our mailing list to get notified of upcoming events.

Where is the Repair Cafe?

We have no fixed location! We travel around Pasadena and surrounding neighborhoods, partnering with local establishments such as libraries, churches, and small businesses to host our events.

What is the Really, Really, Free Market?

A place to come shop for FREE. You can bring in donations of your unwanted items, but it's not required. You can just shop what others have brought in and take what catches your fancy.

I'm interested in volunteering. How can I get more info?

We're so glad you're interested in volunteering with us! Check out this page for more info, and sign up for our volunteer mailing list, which is the best way to get notified of future events where you can volunteer.
